Your breath is both involuntary and voluntary; it is both automatic and completely under your control. There is such an invitation for change within this to take part in your own evolution!
Our emotions and breath are a two-way path. Remember the last time you were highly emotional... what was happening with your breath? I can guarantee it wasn't long, deep or slow.
When we practice breath awareness, we have the power to change our state of being. Isn't that absolutely magnificent news? We can tap into our nervous system, increase our immune response, release PTSD symptoms and much much more.
If you want to transform and supercharge your physical, mental and emotional health, then discovering the untapped potential of your breath is definitely the fast track.
There is no such thing as a 'typical' session. Each one is tailored to your individual needs and lead by the present moment.
Clients have commented they felt a deep sense of clarity, a calm feeling that they haven't accessed before and contentment. Others have feelings of ecstasy and joy. Witnessing this (and from my own personal practice) ensures me that your breath will always take you exactly where you need to be.
Each breathwork session will always begin with opening up your diaphragmatic breath. Following this, we come into conscious connected breathing (which means putting your minds attention on your breath and eradicating any pauses) they can include guided visual meditations, yin yoga, movement, vocal toning, affirmations, oil massage, gentle touch, acupressure points or Thai-yoga depending on what your needs are. It is a beautiful shared journey of deep self discovery.

Myself and dear friend Phoebe Sullivan will be offering 'deep dive' breathwork classes in Brighton, our first one at Yellowave on June 16th 2022. Please get in contact for more details, any questions you may have and to book on.
I should be offering weekly breathwork and meditation classes in Brighton at a beautiful yoga studio come late July. Watch this space!
Please feel free to contact me for any collaborations, retreat work or holistic days within businesses.

"Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body"
Thich Nhat Hanh